Netzwerk Gegen Gewalt - Ein Offenes WikiWeb - Jeder kann sich beteiligen!

Liste Der Gewalt Probleme

Veränderung (letzte Änderung) (keine anderen Diffs, Normalansicht)

Verändert: 41c41
# Police brutality
# Police brutality -- PolizeiBrutalität?

Verändert: 46c46
# Rape by military personnel --
# Rape by military personnel -- VergewaltigungenImKrieg?

Ein Auszug aus der Datenbank "Globalen Probleme/World Problems" der UnionOfInternationalAssociations zum Stichwort "violence":

  1. Abuse of native People -- MissbrauchIndigenerVölker?
  2. Acceptance of violence -- GewaltAkzeptanz?
  3. Alcohol-related violence --
  4. Alcohol-related violence against women --
  5. Anti-social behaviour of university students --
  6. Big city violence -- GroßstadtGewalt?
  7. Biologically determined aggression --
  8. Border incidents and violence --
  9. Civil violence --
  10. Complicity with structural injustice --
  11. Compulsion --
  12. Culture of violence -- GewaltKultur?
  13. Dangerous occupations --
  14. Delayed response to violence --
  15. Discrimination against the disabled --
  16. Ethnic conflict -- EtnischeKonflikte?
  17. Family violence -- GewaltInDerFamilie
  18. Gang violence -- GewaltDurchBanden?
  19. Gang warfare -- BandenKriege?
  20. Horizontal violence -- HorizontaleGewalt
  21. Human violence
  22. Inappropriateness
  23. Incitement to violence
  24. Indiscriminate violence
  25. Internet rape
  26. Interpersonal violence
  27. Intimidation in educational institutions
  28. Intimidation of electors
  29. Maltreatment of civilians
  30. Massacres
  31. Millenial violence
  32. Moderation
  33. Non-payment of compensation to victims of motor accidents
  34. Personal covert himsa
  35. Personal physical insecurity
  36. Personal physical insecurity of women
  37. Physical abuse of the elderly
  38. Physical maltreatment of children
  39. Police brutality -- PolizeiBrutalität?
  40. Political Violence -- PolitischeGewalt
  41. Psychological aggression
  42. Psychotic violence
  43. Racial intimidation
  44. Rape by military personnel -- VergewaltigungenImKrieg?
  45. Religious legitimation of violence -- ReligiösLegitimierteGewalt?
  46. Right-wing political extremism -- RechtsExtremismus?
  47. Rural violence
  48. Sectarian violence -- GewaltDurchSekten?
  49. Sexual violence -- SexuelleGewalt?
  50. Stress and trauma in a context of civil violence
  51. Structural violence -- StrukturelleGewalt
  52. Subversion of the meaning of truth and violence
  53. Temperature aggression
  54. Terrorism targeted against tourists -- TerrorismusGegenTouristen?
  55. Union monopoly and violence -- GewerkschaftsmonopolUndGewalt?
  56. Unparliamentary behaviour
  57. Unprotected female migrant workers
  58. Unreported violence -- DunkelziffernDerGewalt?
  59. Urban crime
  60. Urban violence
  61. Verbal violence -- VerbaleGewalt?
  62. Video violence -- MedienGewalt
  63. Violence against foreigners -- GewaltGegenAusländer?
  64. Violence against migrant women
  65. Violence against prostitutes -- GewaltGegenProstituierte?
  66. Violence against shopkeepers -- GewaltGegenGeschäfte?
  67. Violence against women -- GewaltGegenFrauen?
  68. Violence against women by government agents
  69. Violence along internal borders -- GewaltAnInnerenGrenzen?
  70. Violence as a resource
  71. Violence as entertainment -- GewaltAlsUnterhaltung?
  72. Violence at tourist resorts
  73. Violence by fanatical environmentalists -- GewaltDurchFanatischeUmweltschützer?
  74. Violence in comic books -- GewaltInComics?
  75. Violence in stepfamilies
  76. Violence in the work place -- GewaltAmArbeitsplatz?
  77. Violence on screen
  78. Violent crime -- GewaltVerbrechen?
  79. Violent sports -- GewaltImSport?
  80. Violent sport fans -- GewaltDurchSportfans?
  81. Youth violence -- GewaltDurchJugendliche?

© die jeweiligen Autoren zuletzt geändert am 26. Januar 2005