Liste Der Gewalt Probleme
Ein Auszug aus der Datenbank "Globalen Probleme/World Problems" der UnionOfInternationalAssociations zum Stichwort "violence":
- Abuse of native People -- MissbrauchIndigenerVölker?
- Acceptance of violence -- GewaltAkzeptanz?
- Alcohol-related violence --
- Alcohol-related violence against women --
- Anti-social behaviour of university students --
- Big city violence -- GroßstadtGewalt?
- Biologically determined aggression --
- Border incidents and violence --
- Civil violence --
- Complicity with structural injustice --
- Compulsion --
- Culture of violence -- GewaltKultur?
- Dangerous occupations --
- Delayed response to violence --
- Discrimination against the disabled --
- Ethnic conflict -- EtnischeKonflikte?
- Family violence -- GewaltInDerFamilie
- Gang violence -- GewaltDurchBanden?
- Gang warfare -- BandenKriege?
- Horizontal violence -- HorizontaleGewalt
- Human violence
- Inappropriateness
- Incitement to violence
- Indiscriminate violence
- Internet rape
- Interpersonal violence
- Intimidation in educational institutions
- Intimidation of electors
- Maltreatment of civilians
- Massacres
- Millenial violence
- Moderation
- Non-payment of compensation to victims of motor accidents
- Personal covert himsa
- Personal physical insecurity
- Personal physical insecurity of women
- Physical abuse of the elderly
- Physical maltreatment of children
- Police brutality -- PolizeiBrutalität?
- Political Violence -- PolitischeGewalt
- Psychological aggression
- Psychotic violence
- Racial intimidation
- Rape by military personnel -- VergewaltigungenImKrieg?
- Religious legitimation of violence -- ReligiösLegitimierteGewalt?
- Right-wing political extremism -- RechtsExtremismus?
- Rural violence
- Sectarian violence -- GewaltDurchSekten?
- Sexual violence -- SexuelleGewalt?
- Stress and trauma in a context of civil violence
- Structural violence -- StrukturelleGewalt
- Subversion of the meaning of truth and violence
- Temperature aggression
- Terrorism targeted against tourists -- TerrorismusGegenTouristen?
- Union monopoly and violence -- GewerkschaftsmonopolUndGewalt?
- Unparliamentary behaviour
- Unprotected female migrant workers
- Unreported violence -- DunkelziffernDerGewalt?
- Urban crime
- Urban violence
- Verbal violence -- VerbaleGewalt?
- Video violence -- MedienGewalt
- Violence against foreigners -- GewaltGegenAusländer?
- Violence against migrant women
- Violence against prostitutes -- GewaltGegenProstituierte?
- Violence against shopkeepers -- GewaltGegenGeschäfte?
- Violence against women -- GewaltGegenFrauen?
- Violence against women by government agents
- Violence along internal borders -- GewaltAnInnerenGrenzen?
- Violence as a resource
- Violence as entertainment -- GewaltAlsUnterhaltung?
- Violence at tourist resorts
- Violence by fanatical environmentalists -- GewaltDurchFanatischeUmweltschützer?
- Violence in comic books -- GewaltInComics?
- Violence in stepfamilies
- Violence in the work place -- GewaltAmArbeitsplatz?
- Violence on screen
- Violent crime -- GewaltVerbrechen?
- Violent sports -- GewaltImSport?
- Violent sport fans -- GewaltDurchSportfans?
- Youth violence -- GewaltDurchJugendliche?