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Horizontale Gewalt

Veränderung (zum vorhergehenden Autor) (Änderung, Korrektur, Normalansicht)

Verändert: 1c1,5
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[[Zitat]"Horizontal violence is harmful behaviour, via attitudes, actions, words, and other behaviours, that is directed towards us by another colleague. Horizontal violence controls, humiliates, denigrates or injures the dignity of another. Horizontal violence indicates a lack of mutual respect and value for the worth of the individual and denies another's fundamental human rights"]


"Horizontal violence is harmful behaviour, via attitudes, actions, words, and other behaviours, that is directed towards us by another colleague. Horizontal violence controls, humiliates, denigrates or injures the dignity of another. Horizontal violence indicates a lack of mutual respect and value for the worth of the individual and denies another's fundamental human rights"

© die jeweiligen Autoren zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2005